Floor Plate

Floor Plate

*Hot Rolled
*Stainless Steel

Thickness Size Weight per
Square Inch
Weight per
Square Foot
Weight per
16 GA. 48X120 0.0208 3 120
14 GA. 48X96 0.026 3.75 120
48X120 0.026 3.75 150
12 GA. 48X96 0.0365 5.25 168
48X120 0.0365 5.25 210
1/8″ 48X96 0.0427 6.15 196.8
48X120 0.0427 6.15 246
3/16″ 48X96 0.0605 8.71 278.72
48X120 0.0605 8.71 348.4
1/4″ 48X96 0.0782 11.26 360.32
48X120 0.0782 11.26 450.4
3/8″ 48X96 0.1137 16.37 523.84
48X120 0.1137 16.37 654.8
1/2″ 48X96 0.1491 21.47 687.04
48X120 0.1491 21.47 858.8
* 5/8″ 48X96 0.1845 26.58 850.56
48X120 0.1845 26.58 1063.2
* 3/4″ 48X96 0.22 31.68 1013.76
48X120 0.22 31.68 1267.2

Call in to special order plates marked with a *